


Al-Amal Microfinance Bank accessed to 4000 active clients

As one of the SFD funding fruits that targets at empowering the poor in economic activities, the number of customers of Al-Amal Microfinance Bank (AMB) has reached about (4000) since inception in January 2009 where women share accounts for (49%) of the beneficiaries. The AMB plans to have access to (10,000) clients by the end of this year

As one of the SFD funding fruits that targets at empowering the poor in economic activities, the number of customers of Al-Amal Microfinance Bank (AMB) has reached about (4000) since inception in January 2009 where women share accounts for (49%) of the beneficiaries. The AMB plans to have access to (10,000) clients by the end of this year.

The AMB organized a reception for this occasion to evaluate its performance where the AMB Executive Director Mr. Mohammed Allai said that the bank has gone an excellent record of performance compared to what was expected during the first seven months in terms of activities, meeting objectives and the spread plan at the Secretariat Capital and Sana'a governorate. He added that the AMB managed to reach deep into the Capital and support the active poor who own small-capital economic and investment projects. The bank supports their projects, helps them make their projects a success and improves their living conditions.

The SFD undertook the establishment of the AMB and is contributing to the financing of 45% of its capital.

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